So, yes, I have a spreadsheet to help make sure I get all of my electronics chargers, possibly needed medications, and clothing options to Orlando with me, BUT it's very specific. For instance, I always pack some shirts I've made just for the trip:
All time favorite shirt I've made |
This was the family shirt for the trip that year. |
3 years later, and I still wear this sweatshirt. Photoshop image created by me, and I hand-blinged it. Total labor of love. :) |
The customized t-shirts definitely make the trip more special, and they look really neat in photos. Which brings me around to being photogenic. I will NOT leave my resort room in the morning without full hair and makeup done. I do more makeup at WDW than I do most mornings for work. I know that the second I walk out the door I'm likely to start taking photos of my family, dragging someone to do a PhotoPass picture with me, or taking selfies in front of the Castle. Either way, I want how I look to match how I feel which is AMAZING! Oh, and I always have a pair of fabulous sunglasses. Can't stay in the Florida sunshine without those! I'm not saying you have to wear makeup, but the photo-ops are numerous when you're in the parks. I'll leave it at that.
The ironic thing is while I sound like I'm coming of as a pretty, pretty princess here, but my last "what I wear" item is Crocs. I'm recently 30, and I know the biggest fashion crime in my peers' eyes is Crocs (especially with socks), but I can't help it! They're so darn comfortable, and when I'm strolling 10 miles or more a day around the parks, I need my feet to feel good. So yes, I do wear Crocs with socks. Before I show a scandalous pic from WDW, I will say that I don't wear my full on Crocs out in public ever (or at least much) while at home. I wear the slip ons that people don't realize are Crocs, the ones that are ballet flats, on a regular basis. I've worn these at the parks recently and like them for touring. I've started wearing my cute sneakers around the parks as well. The key is no matter what you wear on your feet, you should over-pack shoes on your Disney trip. You need a pair that you know is comfortable, and then (depending on the length of your trip) you also need one or two backups for when your dependable shoes start making a blister or rubbing funny. Rotating shoes over the course of the days can be the difference in wanting to hop over to Epcot or wanting to call it a night at 7 pm.
That's right! I admit it! I've worn socks with Crocs! Interested in dating me? There's the ugly truth! ;-) Good news is I'm so pale that the white socks blend right in... |
So what's in your suitcase when you go to Walt Disney World?