Today is Sprinkles' first birthday. I wish I had letter blocks to lay by him as I took his picture. tee hee. I bought him on his 3 month birthday, so this also marks 9 months that we've been together. He still acts like a puppy sometimes, but he is calming down quite a bit. I was looking at pictures of him the other day. I can't believe how tiny he was! I didn't know how life-changing it would be to get a dog. Looking back, I can't believe how much happier I am and how much less lonely I am. I also am a bit surprised at what an over-protective, worry-wort mother I am! I'll also a proud mommy, so this post is going to be full of pictures of him (hopefully in chronological order). Enjoy the cuteness of my child.

If it weren't for working on VBS, I'd be accomplishing next to nothing this summer. Today I finished up the supplies, donations, and volunteers needed lists. I've got it all on my computer in tons of files. It's all organized. Problem is, when one lifeguard (section leader) changes or turns in something, I have to change it in about 3 files! Just means I have to use my brain, but am I allowed to do that during the summer? ;-) LaRae and I stopped at WalMart tonight and got one of those tri-fold display boards to put the sign up for donations and volunteers on. I walked into my apartment with it and commented that I felt like I was about to put together my science fair project. Randy called out, "good luck with your volcano!" It was fun to make the board though. I like to create things with paper, and I think it actually looks nice and eye-catching. Yes, that was possibly the most boring paragraph I've ever written...

I also spent part of today organizing my comic books. When I started to file a 6 inch stack of comics the other day, I realized I had run out of room in my comic boxes and dividers (I've started picking up some new titles). Oh yes! That meant I had a new organization project! See, I'd already reorganized and cleaned out ever nook and cranny (cabinet and closet) of my apartment during the spring semester, and so I had no projects for the summer! It's nice to know my comics are all sorted in their boxes now. Oh wait, THAT was the most boring paragraph ever...

OK, so who am I kidding, my summer is sort of dull and uneventful, but isn't that great?! The school year is so stressful, and every summer (in about 6 years), I've had to move, so getting to stay in one place, not pack, and enjoy my home is really nice. I have gotten to spend a lot of quality time with LaRae, Katelyn, and Joshua. We've been swimming. Tonight we went and forgot Katelyn's water wings, so LaRae or I had to hold on to her the whole time. Thing is, she'd just walk off the step or shove out of our arms and *glug glug gulg* go under water, and when we grabbed her and pulled her up, she'd be grinning so huge totally unfazed that she'd just been unable to breath! Side note -- the other day when we swam she was totally freaked out if we did an underwater pass with her or her head went under. Ah, the mixed emotions of a 3 year old. :-) Really, she's quite brave, and tonight she was really fun to play with. LaRae ended up feeding Joshua at my apartment 3 times, and Sprinkles really got used to him. He sniffed Joshua and figured out he wasn't a threat and stayed calm for the most part. I think he's getting used to Katelyn. That makes life a lot easier when she comes over.

This week I'm hoping to make some head-way on some curriculum work I want to do. I also need to actually set up my interwrite pad. Go figure, I was so excited to get it, and I haven't done anything with it yet! I should probably clean out my car too. I wish I could be like some people I know who have barely anything in their cars, but as soon as I get it clean like that, I put a whole bunch more junk in it. It's not as bad as some cars, but I do want to keep it clean until I get rid of it (by the end of the year, I'll be driving a new car...hopefully a Nissan Murano).

I better go to bed. I've been staying up well past midnight and then getting up around 9 or so. Something's got to give, or I'm going to end up over-tired when school starts up again!

Ok, if you can't see 9 pictures there, you need to reset your temporary internet files and cookies and open my blog again in another window. :-) I know it's over kill with the pictures, but they're all so sweet...
ReplyDeleteSprinkles is so cute! I'm glad that your summer has been somewhat relaxing, although it strikes me that you've fit a whole lot of projects into your relaxing time (VBS, organizing, etc.)
ReplyDeleteYou know, I'm beginning to wonder if I petted your Shih Tzu in the mailbox area? I think the owner was a brunette like you...
OK, I'm cracking up at the alphabet blocks reference. I think that would be hilarious if you did a block picture for Sprinkles! :) But, would you use human years or dog years?
ReplyDeleteSo happy to know Sprinkles and Macy's birthdays are so close to each other. Maybe they can have a party together next year? :) You're such a good dog mom...at least you remembered the birthday!