Saturday, May 07, 2011

10 Random Facts

This evening I started thinking about random tidbits people might not know about me and wondered if I could make a list of 10 things. Here they are. I think they get more interesting the further down you read.

1. I like to make lists. Blog posts, emails, directions, to-do, packing… lists are awesome!

2. I used to not put stuff on the top shelves in my kitchen cabinets because I couldn’t reach them. Now I keep a small stepstool (it’s cute too) in my kitchen, so I can use them. It made the whole kitchen feel bigger!

3. I have a great eye for color, but I have no confidence when it comes to wearing colorful jewelry. I tend to only buy silver, black, and clear jewelry because of this. Pink has recently made an appearance in my purchases since I know I have plenty of clothing it will match.

4. Photoshop became a passion of mine a few years back when I taught myself how to use it to make t-shirt designs for a family trip to Walt Disney World. I still use it some, but designing shirts for free took its toll on my hobby.

5. I check the door locks every night right before I go to bed even though I know they’re locked. When I do it, Sprinkles knows it’s time for bed and heads to the bedroom.

6. Bubble baths are an addiction of mine. I use them for stress relief and getting warm when I’m cold. During this winter’s snowcation, I took 2-3 baths a day!

7. If my sister didn’t have faith in my singing abilities and speak to Mario without me knowing, I would have never been on Praise Team. It took months for me to sing loud enough for people to actually hear me, and I still feel like the “second string” on the team.

8. Continuing on from singing, I prefer to sing the harmony instead of the lead. It’s more entertaining and challenges me. In male/female duets, I tend to like to sing the man’s line more.

9. I love to read and write, and I almost double majored in English and Math, so I would be able to share my love of literature with students as well. It delights me that this always surprises people. This ties in with how confused some people are when they realize I’m a math teacher after they discover I’m really creative. It doesn’t mesh well in people’s minds for some reason.

10. I will always be happy to give you a book recommendation, but for the last year I’ve really been delving into teen fiction. I could go on forever about what makes it superior, but I’ll let you figure it out for yourself. Read The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins or The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare (starts with City of Bones) and you’ll understand.

Alright, there you go. That’s my boredom buster for this evening. Hope you were mildly entertained. Next post I’ll head back to Walt Disney World, or I’ll write about bunnies. I hear everyone likes bunnies.

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